
Showing posts from 2008

Ebay Listing !!!

Do you sell or buy on Ebay ? I use to sell and buy on Ebay all the time. Well, some how as the kids were getting older I stop selling like I use to. So yesterday I decide it is time to get some of these things I have been meaning to sell listed and out of here. Please check out my auctions for some great deals. After all with the economy we are all cutting back and trying to save money where we can. I will be adding more so check back often.*princessdiora

Out Of The Mouth Of Babes : )

Today while I was having my morning coffee my daughter approaches me. Diora ... Mommy can you look up Santa's address and send this to him? She hands me an envelope sealed. Me ... Diora what is this? Diora ... It is a copy of the list we made of what I want for Christmas. Me ... Diora you need to write a letter and then tell Santa what you want. Lets sit down and write him a letter. Diora ... Ok So we write him a letter. mean while I am thinking oh boy who the heck are we going to send this to. So I told my husband and told him I will search online. So below is what I found. You can e-mail Santa and he will e-mail you back for FREE. So that is what we are going to do, check it out.

Help Save Lipstick Jungle !!!

Are you a fan of the show Lipstick Jungle? I am a big fan of this show I tivo it and watch it every week. In fact it is one of my favorite shows and I don't want to see it get cancelled. I found this blog on under Lipstick jungle. There is a petition going around to save Lipstick Jungle. If you are a fan and want to see this show stay Please go sign it.

Are They Serious? Will You Watch?

When I saw the commercial for this I had to rewind my tivo because I thought I was hearing this. Are they serious please tell me they are kidding me. Could this be a big joke? Not another show with big mouth Rosie O' Donnell come on already haven't we had enough of her. It is going to be a variety show, now really who the heck is she going to get on her show? Who hasn't she offended? Will you watch? do you think it will last? Ok come on post what you think and if you will watch this show. I think it is a train wreck to waiting to happen, this woman is a Hot Mess. I am sure you can tell I will not be watching this one. I may just take a peak though just to see what crazy Rosie does, now how can I resists just taking a quick look LOL . Check it out here and post you thoughts here.

Friday 11/22/08 2020 Interview. Thoughts?

Do you really believe she did not know who Eliot Spitzer was? What do you think her real motives are for doing this interview? I am not so sure I believe she did not know who Eliot Spitzer was and what her real motives are for doing this interview. The first thoughts that come to mind are book deal. But on the other hand what a sad life. But if she was such a happy child why live a life like that? What I hear here is her parents were very strict. The communication was not there. Another case of missing the father figure which I really feel is very important. In my opinion she needs therapy for sure. But bottom line you are the one that is in control of your own life. Watch the interview for your self. So now what are your thoughts on this? Please post your thoughts on this.

What Did You Have For Lunch Today ?

Well, I had an awesome salad and I am not talking about a side salad. No, I am not turning into a rabbit. I am getting back to eating well and really taking care of me. Guess what? It feels awesome and I have gone from 0 to 60 in the way I feel. What might you ask started this. Well, I had fallen into a hole, what I call a black hole. Not some place I ever want to go again. I felt like I was on a roller coaster and was in a downward spiral, not good at all. I had my husband, mom and myself scared. Thankfully things are turning around and to my amazement I am feeling wonderful in a real short time. I saw a wonderful doctor that sent me for some tests. It took me back at first when we went over the results but I am thankful that all of it can get better. None of it is life threatening and I'm very thankful that we found this before it got worse. She put me on some supplements like fish oil, coral calcium , immune Rx and magic green. In a short time I have gone from glum to happy, w

Veteran's Day Fun !!!

We took the kids to Knott's Berry Farm on Veteran's Day and we all had such a blast. Right now they are having Veteran's Tribute till the end of November. There tribute to Military past and present. Military personnel plus one guest get in FREE . Plus you can purchase up to six additional tickets for just $15 each. Check it out. Diora , I just love her smile. Me and Brennan Diora and Dave silly girl LOL . Brennan being a goof ball at Johnny Rockets Me and Dave on the train. Huh what do I want to eat. Diora and Brennan with Snoopy : ) Brennan and Diora riding on the train. Aww these are the moments I really love. The kids loved this ride. Dave got the ride of his life on this ride. Swing baby swing. Dave, Diora and Brennan before getting real dizzy. Brennan, Dave and Diora Aww . : ) Diora did not want her picture taken. That's our Princess : ) Diora , Brennan and me walking the bridge.


The kids had a great time trick -or- treating this year and it was really nice having it on a Friday night. This year they were both very into giving out the candy before we left to go trick - or- treating and came home. Brennan & Diora These are some of the best moments. Diora our Sleeping Beauty. She is such a girly girl and I love it. Brennan as Jango Fett . He is a big Star Wars fan. Diora posing.

Pumpkin Craving, How Fun Oh My !!!

This year they were much more into the pumpkin carving and it was a lot of fun watching them decide how they wanted to carve there pumpkin. Brennan Carving his Pumpkin 10/30/08 Diora Craving her pumpkin with Dad's help Aww I just love these moments. It is nice to see them so close.

Happy 9th Birthday Brennan !!!

The Ice Cream Cake. Brennan 10/18/08 Diora , Brennan & Cousin Gabriel 10/18/08 Wow, time sure does fly by fast and they grow even faster. It is hard to believe my baby is 9 already. it seems like just yesterday I was anxiously waiting for him to arrive. Happy 9 th Birthday Brennan !!! You will always be our baby. We are so proud of you and are enjoying watching you grow up. Buba we love you more than anything xoxo . looking back, memories and fun times. Brennan's 2 nd Birthday 10/13/01 10 /13/01